Businesses, schools, nonprofits, local governments, and tribal entities seeking to promote urban youth agricultural education and urban agricultural community development can apply for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation Urban Agriculture Grant.
The Department of Agriculture will award up to $551,000 to eligible applicants serving communities within cities with a population over 10,000 or cities with a population of at least 5,000 where at least 10% of the population is living at or below 200% of the poverty line or comprised of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. Tribal communities are also eligible, regardless of population size.
Eligible project expenses include equipment purchases and physical improvements, and dedicated staff/contractor time. In previous rounds of this highly competitive grant program, funds have gone to stimulate urban agriculture across Minnesota, from St. Paul’s East Side to Duluth and from Virginia to North Minneapolis. The agriculture department expects to award 50% of the available funds to projects located in or serving BIPOC communities.
Applicants may request a maximum of $50,000 per project, and up to 100% of the total project cost may be covered by the grant. Up to half of the award may be requested as an advance.
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