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Singapore's Akualogix makes the case for vertical urban shrimp farming

While the notion of vertical aquaculture may seem counter-intuitive at first, it has certainly begun to take root in the city of Singapore, where space is at a premium and the demand for self-sufficiency has been laid out by the national government.

Into this arena has stepped Akualogix, led by John Diener, formerly chief operating officer at British insect feed firm AgriProtein and before that, managing director at Gold Coin Aqua Group.

"I think by necessity, Singapore is quite constrained in terms of land, so people have begun going in the direction of vertical farming," Diener told Undercurrent News. "The Singapore food agency has this goal that Singapore should be self-sufficient for 30% of its total food requirements by 2030 -- 30 by 30, they call it. So there's a lot of interest and support in local or urban food solutions."

Read more at Undercurrent News (Dan Gibson)

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