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Sector | Investments

© Lovelyday12 |

USDA announces grants for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production

US: $75,000 donation made to Red Deer Food Bank

© Simon Poon |

US: Southern FFA receives grant for school hydroponics project

Lithuania: €500k in funding secured by Freya Cultivation Systems

USL Home business invests into microgreens

Farm Urban

UK: Fotenix receives funding for AI growing solutions

© Nattstudio |

CAN: CubicFarms announces materials for AGM

UAE: Agriculture sector gaining ground

© Lovelyday12 |

Saudi government aiming to attract investors after $9.8M funding gap discovered

US (NY): Indoor farm is a "success" but enough to find a buyer?

© Josefkubes |
Lookout for $20,000 grant gift matches

US: Youth aquaponics project launched to aid food security in South Carolina

US: Lettuce Grow raises $7 million from institutional and retail investors

Oishii pushes $134M funding to $150M in Series B financing

US: Grow-NY winners announced, $3M in prize money awarded

South African investor approach to longterm investment into farms

Vinga Group ,WA3RM

Sweden: Over $1B in funding for greenhouse projects

US (TX): Funding strategies for vertical farms

US (IN): $175K grant for advancing container technology

US: Indoor mushroom farm fights for funding

Agrify secures financing from Green Thumb Industries

US (OH): $418,000 grant to address indoor strawberry production

© Pressmaster |

USDA announces $33.5M in grants in order to expand food systems

US: New JAFSCD brief highlights need for investment in urban agricullture

CAN (AB): $300k project to research canola-based feed in aquaponics industry