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US (NC): The Warehouse teams up to bring new innovative opportunities to disadvantaged teens

"It's really about providing exposure to green energy initiatives and opportunities such as vertical farming, agriculture, technology, solar panels," said The Warehouse CEO Logan Herring. "We're also bringing to bear a vehicle-to-grid bus, which electric bus that, when it's charging at night, delivers power to the grid. I believe it's one of the only buses in this area of its kind--or it will be once we get it delivered at the beginning of 2021."

The Warehouse, a "collaborative, one-stop, state-of-the-art," 43,000 sq. ft. facility, is a center "for teens, run by teens." More than 150 Delaware youths participate in the decision-making that drives the progress of the group. Herring said a new partnership with Delmarva Power will provide these children with access to opportunities they wouldn't have had otherwise. 

"This is new to all of us. I haven't been exposed to it, so this is definitely a new concept I think is pretty much foreign in low-income communities," Herring said. "[But] we don't measure our success by what we haven't had in communities such as Riverside. We want to compare everything we're doing to any area, whether it's a low-income or the most affluent areas; Delaware or the country."

The partnership brings investments from Delmarva Power to help fund, build, and operate new special initiatives at The Warehouse, including an indoor, vertical-grow agricultural pod, known as the Ag Pod, which will allow teens in the program to provide an acre-and-a-half worth of vegetables to the community every couple of weeks. 

Read more at Delaware's (DJ McAneny)

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