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Certis: protected cropping in 2030

How can protected cropping contribute to a more sustainable food system in the future? 

By 2030 we can expect that: Food production will need to have increased by 70%, to feed 2.3 billion additional people. At the same time food production will be more vulnerable to extreme weather events as a result of climate change. Food security will be high up the political agenda. Increasing food prices may have been a factor in triggering social unrest.

With these and other pressures to be considered, sustainability is an imperative for the future of our food system. Certis Europe is a leading supplier in the speciality and high-value crop market sector, providing customers with access to product choice and solutions to build and protect their business.

Protected cropping, i.e. crops grown in a managed environment, usually under plastic or glass, and protected from the natural elements, is a major contributor of high-value horticultural crops from salad crops, vegetables and soft fruit, through to ornamental plants and flowers.

It is a system that allows for a more sustainable approach to crop management, in particular pest control. There have been significant developments in protected cropping over the last 50- 60 years, and Certis has been involved in the development of Integrated Pest Management programs and innovative technologies that have contributed to moving the industry forward. 

Find the complete brochure here.

For more information:
Certis Europe



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