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A peek into the life of Tripp Williamson

South of the North Carolina state capital of Raleigh is the small rural town of Clinton, N.C., the headquarters for Vertical Crop Consultants, or Cropbox. 

Tripp Williamson, Owner, and Founder started VCC in 2016, after years of working for the family business, Williamson Greenhouses, and finding his passion and success. Tripp had the vision to create more innovative and sustainable ways to grow local produce. He also wanted to provide insights to all indoor growers, not just the shipping container market.

Williamson grew up on a family farm that grew watermelons, tobacco, and cantaloupes. His father introduced Tripp to the greenhouse business, exposing him to alternative ways to grow produce from a young age. After earning his Agriculture and Business degrees from NC State, he left home for five years, a rite of passage his father insisted on, to prepare his son for the real world. He moved to Richmond, VA, where he worked in heavy transportation equipment sales. He eventually landed a medical sales job and moved from Richmond to DC before finally returning to his roots in North Carolina in 2011. 

He married in 2012 and began researching ways to get back into the family business, but more sustainably with an eye for the future. Tripp was also busy making a family of his own. His son was born in 2016, and the Williamson family can often be found playing at the beach and spending time with other friends and family. 

Read more at Growlink (Joy King)

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