In this study, A. Virsile, J. Miliauskiene, P. J. Haimi, K. Lauzike, and G. Samuoliene sought to evaluate and compare the effects of constant and dynamic lighting on red and green leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. Red Cos and Lobjoits Green cos) cultivated in a controlled environment.
Plants were illuminated with the combination of red 662 and 638 nm, blue 452 nm, and far-red 737 nm at 16 h photoperiod and constant daily light integral (DLI) of each component.
The lettuceās response to dynamic lighting strategies was cultivar specific. Dynamic lighting strategies, mimicking natural lighting fluctuations, did not have a remarkable effect on photosynthesis and antioxidative parameters, but the dynamic flux of blue light component had a pronounced effect on higher macro and microelement contents in lettuce leaves.
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