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Israeli supermarket employs vertical farm start-ups for selling produce

Rami Levy, one of Israel's largest supermarket chains, has been cooperating with two Israeli agri-tech start-ups to erect large containers to grow fruit and vegetables, which will be sold in the chain's stores. 

Vertical Fields, a Ra'anana based agri-tech start-up which creates vertical, sustainable farms using geoponic technology, agricultural expertise and smart design, teamed up with BIOLED, a Tzuba-based eco-lighting start-up that uses LED lights to create more sustainable, profitable crops in order to erect the growing containers.

According to BIOLED, the first container is already in the process of being set up in Rami Levy's Ayalon Mall branch in Tel Aviv. Vertical Fields is a slightly younger company. They recently burst onto the Israeli agri-tech scene with their technology, which allows for produce to be farmed vertically within containers big enough to fit in a parking lot, using only one tenth the amount of water usually needed. 

Read the complete article at Jerusalem Post.

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