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FTS and UKUAT Present at the Global G.A.P. World Consultation Tour

The expert panel discussed the importance of CEA, and the importance of vocational training and education that can bridge skill gaps withholding young farmers to enter the sector. CEA has the potential to offer young farmers attractive careers while fortifying our global food systems with a new generation of talent.

The event discussed the role of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA), and new, technology-enabled farming methods. These methods offer the potential to cope with identified challenges such as climate change, consumer trust, and food security. In addition, CEA has the potential to localize the production of nutritious food in order to sustain humanity.

The intersection of technology and farming also provides diverse career pathways into jobs with attractive compensation and meaningful social and environmental impacts. This potential needs to be highlighted more. Future-proof agricultural training should embrace the transformation into resilient and climate-neutral production in food systems and prepare young farmers for the future! Challenges recognised here are mainly around both low- and high tech.

However, today’s transformation into resilient and climate-neutral production in future food systems are tech (low and high) and the already severe and evermore growing talent challenges in agriculture needs to be addressed with international access to future proof training to create a qualified workforce to meet this demand and allow farmers to earn an income! 

Read more at Farm Tech Society 

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