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Growth and ginsenosides content of ginseng sprouts under various light spectra

A study that has been conducted by Y. Kim, T. Nguyen and M. Oh highlight the growth and ginsenosides content of ginseng sprouts under various light spectra.

One-year-old ginseng seedlings were cultivated under various light treatments including monochromatic (red (R), green (G), and blue (B)), various RB and RGB combinations, white (fluorescent lamps (FL) and natural white (NW)), and supplemental far-red (FR). 

R and high R ratio increased growth characteristics of ginseng sprouts (excepted for root dry weight). The replacement of G for B in the RGB group and W group did not increase the growth, and supplemental FR increased shoot and root fresh weights, total fresh weight, and leaf area.

Click here to access the study. 

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