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"Light installation that can be used much longer"

Light installations are a big investment for indoor farms, and unfortunately growers need to re-invest every 4 to 8 years in a new installation depending on the lifetime. Mother’s PlantSpectrum modules can be used through the infinity program, the company announces. "Growers can preserve their installation and simply slide-in a new LED board every 8 years or 50.000h, costing only a fraction (<10%) of the original growlight setup." 

The PlantSpectrum32 IP65 kit provides farmers with a completely water and dust proof system with IP65 driver and plug & play cable-connector system. Easy to setup, and designed for long-term intense use.

PlantSpectrum comes standard with a non-crop specific light spectrum, as the light recipe is designed with high PAR effectivity (92%) and unparalleled CRI for a grow light (96+), making the module versatile and highly effective for most plant species. All spectrum details can be found on the website.

Custom light recipes can be designed for larger setups, so the benefit of the reusable design can be combined with rare crop-specific light requirements. 

For more information:
Kapellendries 22
9230 Wetteren, Belgium
[email protected] 

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