A new vertical farm recently opened in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. The farm plans to harvest local greens year-round. Mighty Harvest Produce is a hydroponic grower of leafy greens and herbs.
Founder Derrik Stevenson started the business as a way to follow his passions after being laid off from an office job as a result of the pandemic. “I decided, I’m not going to look for a job. I’m going to create my own job,” says Stevenson, who is vegan and has an interest in sustainability and fresh food.
Currently the company offers greens like kale and salad blends, as well as herbs such as parsley, marjoram and anise basil. “The ultra freshness is what sets us apart from the grocery store,” he says, explaining how greens sold in Ontario often make a long journey from California or Arizona. “I can harvest on a Wednesday night and be selling the product on Thursday.”
Source: DurhamRegion