The Top 250 Growth Companies in the Netherlands include horticultural Logiqs from Maasdijk and Physee from Delft.
The list, presented on 1 June, is an initiative by the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE) and nlgroeit. North Holland heads the list of provinces with 90 companies, followed by North Brabant (51) and South Holland (42). The list shows that most fast-growing companies are to be found in sectors on the cutting edge of digitisation, services and new media.
This anniversary edition shows that many growth companies, which collectively account for more than 30,000 new FTEs, are profiting from accelerated changes in customer wishes and in the field of digitisation because they were already using innovative revenue models before the COVID-19 pandemic. Justin Jansen, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Academic Director of ECE: "These companies are progressive in developing new solutions, but they are also able to manage the rapid growth of the organisation. They do this by continuously aiming to improve, accelerate and adapt the organisation to future challenges."
Fastest growing company in the Netherlands
ECE and nlgroeit will present the Top 10 in the autumn. It will then also be revealed which company is the fastest growing in the Netherlands and wins the Golden Grower Award. was the winner last year. The meal delivery company created 4703 new jobs (in FTE) and was thus the fastest grower. The 250 companies from the previous edition had together grown by more than 30,000 FTE.
Growth capacity
Nlgroeit, an initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Change, the Chamber of Commerce, NLevator and NL2025, is a multiannual programme aimed at increasing the growth capacity of small- and medium-sized enterprises.
Click here for the "Top 250 Growth Companies 2021"(NL).