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"Pioneering force behind soil-based vertical farming in India"

A S Agri and Aqua LLP, founded by Prashant Govindrao Zade is introducing the Indian agricultural ecosystem to hi-tech soil-based vertical farming. The company is led by 12 professionals from different industries who have come together to fulfill their common goal – promoting innovative agricultural practices and ensuring that the Indian farmer lives an independent lifestyle.

A S Agri and Aqua LLP journey has begun with a motive to develop the technologically underdeveloped turmeric farming sector. Beginning with producing turmeric in vertical farming poly houses, the company is now producing a wide range of crops\y, including essentials such as potatoes, tomatoes, soybean, sweet potatoes, ginger, and many more.

Along with hi-tech Soil-based Vertical Farming, A S Agri and Aqua LLP also deal with providing turnkey solutions in sectors such as aquaculture and fish farming, contract farming, and food supplements (Vishwaayu), and other developmental projects and schemes.

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