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Yellow Hammer Farms opening Birmingham-based hydroponic farm

Birmingham will have a hydroponic farm and market starting this weekend. Owners Frank and Jillian Fitts will open Yellow Hammer Farms on June 18 at 702 Third Ave. N.

The farm and market will operate using technology that will be able to provide fresh and affordable produce year-round. A typical farm may be limited to five or six harvests a year for some crops, but Yellow Hammer Farms can have 11 to 12 harvests a year within its climate-controlled environment.

“From the beginning, our mission has been to bring Birmingham high-quality, locally grown produce," Frank Fitts said. "With so many of Birmingham’s residents living in a food desert, it was vital that we find a location where we could provide everyone a convenient option for affordable, fresh produce. Working in the food and beverage industry, I also saw firsthand the need and desire of restaurants and consumers wanting to purchase local produce throughout the year. So much of the produce that comes to this area travels a long distance. We are hoping to change that.”

The venture began with the Fittses converting an empty warehouse in the Titusville community. The building now is retrofitted with an advanced vertical hydroponic growing system to create a highly efficient, controlled growing environment.

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Yellow Hammer Farms  
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