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ECO City Farms:

New mural added to identify seasonal crops

ECO City Farms has added a new mural at its Bladensburg farm that will help visitors identify which crops are currently growing.

Painted on the side of a metal shipping container that houses a classroom, the mural displays a map of the community-supported agriculture site at 6100 Emerson St. in Bladensburg, with spaces for magnets that can be rearranged to show which various crops are currently growing and where on the farm.

The brainchild of landscape designer Kelley Oklesson, the mural was designed by artist Saba Hamidi, who specializes in storytelling through graphic design.

“Visitors often ask what crops are being grown and where they are growing,” Oklesson told the Hyattsville Wire. “The mural is intended to be an artful tool that will bring comfort and joy to those that use it.”

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