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Danish startup raises millions for vertical green production

The Danish startup Nabo Farm has received DKK 3 million from investors to expand their urban farm, enabling them to open farm number two in the capital, more specifically on Amager.

Since 2018, Nabo Farm has produced greens in a disused car lot in northwestern Copenhagen, but will now expand with another farm, which will be the first in a series of several, according to the founders Sebastian Dragelykke and Jens Juul Krogshede.

"For us as a start-up, it is a great thing that we have managed to raise such a significant amount because it means that we can now focus on scaling the Neighbor Farm concept further by opening another farm. At the same time, the investment from Danban and Vækstfonden also means that we can, at a societal level, help to spread the knowledge of sustainable food production, "says Sebastian Dragelykke.

The goal of the company is to attract "more and larger investors" to fold the ambitions to produce even more food via LED lamps and a self-developed automatic irrigation system.

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