On the 18th of May, a new LED cell was placed in the World Horti Center. The LED cell has been provided by Infinite Acres and will be placed next to the Vertify research facility. In the facility, Vertify researches the climatic properties of the vertical farming containers and the cultivation of vegetable crops together with students from Inholland within the Fieldlab Vertical Farming framework.
Within the Fieldlab Vertical Farming leading Dutch knowledge parties, the government and companies are working together to attain a strong international position in Vertical Farming. The Fieldlab focuses on four work packages to centralize and utilize the knowledge of Vertical Farming. Our research partner Vertify, together with participant Inholland, is part of the work package Education & Training, which, among other things, aims at the development of training programs for vertical farming. The execution of which mainly takes place from the World Horti Center.
Source: World Horti Center