The two practice-oriented Vertical Farm climate chambers for the Vertical Farming Field Lab at the Delphy site in Bleiswijk have been put into use. The partners of the Vertical Farming South Holland Fieldlab aim to contribute to the sustainable strengthening of the competitive position of the horticultural sector in South Holland by creating an open innovation environment for Vertical Farming.
1e tomato plants in the single-layer climate chamber
Fieldlab Vertical Farming is carried out by various partners that have been brought together on the initiative of Innovation Quarter. The project has received a subsidy from the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and a contribution from the Province of South Holland, covering 42% of the costs of the project. The partners themselves provide the necessary co-financing.
Single layer climate chamber (outside)
After more than a year of design, preparation, and technical engineering, Infinite Acres was able to deliver the climate chambers and the first crops can be started. A climate chamber consists of a multi-layer system with a cultivation area of 70m² divided over 5 towers of 4 layers, the other climate chamber covers more than 80m² for single-layer cultivation for e.g. tomatoes. Delphy has a high-tech Vertical Farm facility with which cultivation concepts can be tested and demonstrated by Delphy Improvement Centre. Delphy will also use the facilities for training, knowledge transfer, and business development.
On Friday 25 June 2021, the first tomato plants were planted in the single-layer climate chamber, which marked the start of the first demonstration cultivation. The multi-layer climate chamber will soon follow with the first cultivation of basil. With the expansion of the Vertical Farming facilities, Delphy is responding to the demand for cultivation knowledge from the fast-growing international Vertical Farming market.
Multi-layer climate chamber