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Italian-Tunisian project on aquaponics has been launched

Celavie, an Italian-Tunisian cooperation project in the aquaculture and agriculture sectors, funded by the European Union, has been launched. The project has a financial endowment of 900 thousand euros as part of the ENI Italy-Tunisia Cross-border Cooperation Program and is coordinated by the regional Consortium for applied research and experimentation Coreras.

The other partners involved in the implementation of the project are the University of Sfax, the National Research Council, the Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fisheries, Green Future, and the Association of the continuity of generations.

Celavie aims to support the agriculture and aquaculture sector, in particular the internal areas of the Sicilian and Tunisian territories, through process and product innovations according to Aquaponics technology, which allows combining the production of plants and animals aquatic plants in a single eco-sustainable and guaranteed cycle.

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