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US: Veteran finds peace and purpose in container farm

John Miller's routine may seem a bit "scaled-down" compared to his former life as a combat soldier. Miller spends much of his time in a 40-foot-long shipping container converted into a hydroponic farm field.

“In essence we sell a lot of things what we would consider baby," Miller explained. Little white turnips is just one crop of many growing inside Falls City Farms. “Right now I’m just pulling off the plug to turnips and then clean up any of the leaves."

The Iraq War combat veteran grows, prunes, packages and sells a variety of greens to Louisville restaurants, online and at local markets. “Here is our wasabi arugula, this is one of our fresh herbs, our dill, this would be our romaine trio," Miller said while touring his indoor farm.

The hydroponic farm has helped Miller overcome what can be a sizable challenge for soldiers adapting to life after service. “I got into this post-military, trying to find my next thing because I didn’t know what I was going to do when I got out," Miller said.

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