Professor Daniel L. Farkas PhD has joined GreenState AG as a founding partner.
GreenState AG’s CEO, Billie Feldman, and Chief Investment Officer, Arsenije Ggrur, have recruited Professor Farkas to become the company’s Executive Chairman as well as Chief Scientist, entrusted to lead a science team to develop new technology solutions to modern-day food supply challenges.
Daniel L. Farkas served as a Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Pittsburgh, and Professor and Vice-chairman for Research at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. He is investigating the living state with light, for uses in biology, bioengineering, medicine, and green technologies.
“The task at hand is to develop technology befitting a business model that yields quality and affordability to the consumer, as well as economic viability for the food producer. Eliminating both economic and carbon-based inefficiencies in every area of the food supply chain is part of the challenge” Professor Farkas points out. “Lowering the cost and raising the yield of indoor farming through the implementation of our patentable approaches is a key step towards this business model. Producing crops efficiently requires tailoring the farm’s sustainable design. As always, sufficiently advanced technologies can make the difference in achieving success.”
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