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US (OH): Construction of $1.5 mil Innovation and Aquaponics center starts

The ceremony for the Antwerp Innovation and Aquaponics Center will take place on Thursday 4PM at the school. The $1.5 million dollar facility is to be constructed in the current patio area of the Antwerp school building and will provide a multi-purpose learning space for students. 

According to a statement by Antwerp Local Schools Superintendent Martin Miller, “The Antwerp Board of Education, administration and staff are committed to being responsive to the changing landscape of education and finding ways to most appropriately prepare our students." 

The Center will serve as a hub for the STEM and STEAM initiatives preparing our young adults with the skills necessary to meet the employment needs of area businesses and to play a part in the growth of new business and jobs for the community and county.

Four main features
A Discovery lab, a Fab lab: interaction with robotics, a Media lab: to develop skills around videos/photography and sound, an Aquaponics lab: to develop food growing skills and enhance learnings in hydroponics and aquaponics. 

Read the complete article at The Crescent News 

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