Building work is underway on the International Barley Hub (IBH) and Advanced Plant Growth Centre (APGC) at the James Hutton Institute.
To mark the commencement of the works formally, a breaking-ground ceremony was held at the James Hutton Institute campus in Invergowrie, led by both Mairi Gougeon MSP, cabinet secretary for rural affairs and islands, and Iain Stewart MP, undersecretary of state for Scotland, joined by project stakeholders and supporters.
With completion expected in early 2024, the centres will bring together industry and science to focus on solutions for the food and drink industry regarding climate change and a green recovery from the disruption caused by COVID-19. The multi-million developments comprise state-of-the-art science, farm and field facilities, and a new access road. They are being delivered by Oberlanders, Wellwood Leslie Architects and McLaughlin & Harvey under the Scape Major Works UK Framework.
The two plant science innovation centres are being supported by £45 million from the UK Government and £17m from the Scottish Government as part of the Tay Cities Region Deal.
Rural affairs secretary Mairi Gougeon said: “I am delighted to be helping to mark this important first step towards realising our £17m investment in new facilities at the James Hutton Institute through the Tay Cities Region Deal. The Institute has ambitious plans for the future, combining its research with a real commitment to inclusive growth and sustainable food production for the future.
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