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Influence of green light with red and blue LEDs on the growth, leaf structrure and quality of spinach

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of green light, added with red and blue LEDs, on the growth, leaf microstructure and quality of spinach plants. Plants were transplanted and grown hydroponically for 30 days under different combinations of red:blue with a 4:1 ratio (R4B1), red:blue:green with a 5:2:3 ratio (R5B2G3) and red:blue:green with a 1:1:1 ratio (R1B1G1), at a 190 µmoL m−2·s−1 photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). The results showed that green light, added to red and blue LEDs at a reasonable ratio, could reduce the growth, leaf microstructure and quality of spinach plants, but not the organic acid content. The highest values for the growth parameters, photosynthetic pigments, leaf structure characteristics and quality of the spinach plant were observed for the R4B1 treatment, but not for the organic acid content. Therefore, our results suggest that green light added to red and blue LEDs at a reasonable ratio is not suitable for the growth of spinach.

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