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India: Growing microgreens at home

With just a small bowl, some soil, coco coir and readily available kitchen ingredients like mustards, fenugreeks or green grams, one can start their journey of growing microgreens, in their homes.

Archana Deiva, an experienced terrace gardener from the city Madurai, says, “Microgreens are quicker and easier to grow. In simple terms, they are just plants harvested in their first or second week of growth. Seeds available in our kitchen like mustards, fenugreek or wheat can be grown in small bowls or containers, with soil and manure of your choice. Once they grow for about 2-3 inches, they can be cut using scissors and used as garnishes for food like sandwiches or salads.” Watering usually needs to be done once or twice in a day, in the form of spraying and they can be kept indoors as they are shade-tolerant.

A. Aravindhan from SweetNSpicy Microgreens that has been making different varieties of microgreens available in the market says that beginners would enjoy harvesting microgreens that come with different flavors.

“Most people quit gardening when they do not get results in a month or so. With microgreens, the job is easier. Most varieties can be grown in 5-10 days. Some of them are extra flavorful. Beginners can try their hand with sweet and tasty ones like sweet corn and coriander. They can even go for wheat grass from which a healthy juice can be made.” If one does not have the time to buy things like vermicompost or coco coir for boosting leaf growth, they can even use Themor karaisal, a mixture of fermented buttermilk and coconut milk for about 5-6 days, he suggests.

Mr. Aravindhan also tells that while microgreens are already popular among health-conscious people and fitness enthusiasts in cities like Chennai and Bengaluru, people in Madurai are slowly showing interest towards it.

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