Good things about trade shows post-COVID: they're smaller so you do not have to walk too far. There's more than enough space to not bump into each other all the time, yet you still do not miss out on anybody visiting the show. The bars in Holland shut down at midnight, so even on Thursday people looked kind of fresh. And best of all, many people finally got to see each other again. This week the GreenTech took place in Amsterdam and here's the recap.
Steven Newell, CEO of Windset Farms, meeting Jan Vellekoop with PDI, Wouter Kuiper with KUBO and Pieter Kruijt, Verkade Klimaat
Gill van der Drift, Laust Dam and Boy de Nijs go bananas as they agree upon planting this crop in whatever greenhouse facility they can lay their hands upon
Jan Voshol with Voshol and Jorien Plak-Schouten with Besseling Techniek
Visser and Viscon were present, of course. Here in the picture Dámian López Salazar, Jaimy Lee Nicodem, Floris Berkhout and Robbert Jan in 't Veld
Market developments
Over the next couple of weeks, we'll inform you of the developments in the market: the staff changes at the lighting companies, the projects being developed all over the world, and the many new robotics solutions being presented. But before we're there, it's picture time.
Over 80 companies were present on the show in the RAI Amsterdam and despite it being far fewer than usual, the atmosphere was good and especially the first two days people were positively surprised about the attendance.