Suits are traded for jeans and jackets, brogues for sneakers, voices are a bit husky and eyes are small - at least, of the people still present in the Messe in Berlin. After three days of Fruit Logistica, the show will close down later today. Here's a preview of our photo report, which we will present tomorrow.
Botanicoir! Here's Charlie Millen & Cynthia Lee Pan
Jacob Boxhoorn and Ronaldt Thoen in front of the Bosman Van Zaal stand, where the TraySpacer they brought with them was an eye-catcher.
Alkena Qemalaj with Urbinati presented the automation solutions of the company.
Hi Cravo! Read more about the history of retractable roof systems here: or just look at Benjamin Martin, Carloz Ruiz & Robert Rouhof
By 5:00 pm it is then time to clean up and pack everything back up. It's a one-time thing that this is on a Thursday. The last trading day will be on a Friday next year. Then Fruit Logistica is scheduled to take place from 8 to 10 February 2023.