Everyone feels that urban farming is good for society, yet for the outsider, there are still a lot of misconceptions and mysteries about this beautiful industry. That’s why, after 9 years in Urban Farming, Zjef Van Acker set out on a quest to get the facts straight and promote this movement in the process.
Via the podcast series “How are urban farmers changing the world?” Zjef talks to entrepreneurs, researchers, policymakers and vegetable garden heroes in order to find answers to complex questions: What is the potential of Urban farming? How can we quantify the benefits of urban farming? How do we, as a society, value the benefits of sustainable farming with more than just money?
In the latest episode, Zjef talks with Professor Maarten Crivits from Ghent University & ILVO (Institute for Research on Agriculture and Fisheries). In the podcast conversation they talk about food democracy and food citizenship, or in other words: How people can organize themselves via farming, to better take care of the planet and the economy.
Have a look at the video below: