Looking to fill a void in the locally grown microgreens market, Jason and Cherylyn Minto have started That Microgreens Guy. There used to be a place to get microgreens, but it went out of business, said Cherylyn, adding that microgreens are not really for sale at grocery stores, and the next closest place to get them is in Milford.
“There’s such a big health benefit, so we decided to give it a try,” Jason said. Cherylyn added that she likes the bright colors the microgreens often come in. There’s the extra boost of nutrition, but it makes food look fancy, she said.
It takes seven to 10 days to go from seed to harvest. Any longer than that, and they begin to get bitter and lose their flavor, said Cherylyn. Once harvested, she said, the product lasts for at least a week – she’s been told up to two weeks.
The Mintos demonstrated the planting process, and it’s fairly straightforward – an even layer of dirt is added to a tray with holes in it that’s sitting in a tray without holes; the seeds are spread evenly throughout the tray; the whole thing is given a good watering; another tray is added to cover the wet, seeded soil; the seeds germinate in the dark; a few days later they’re uncovered, put on a shelving unit with grow lights and then harvested when ready.
Read more at capegazette.com