KISAN is India’s biggest trade fair for agriculture, taking place over the course of five days from Wednesday 13 to Sunday 17 December 2023, and will be held in Pune, Maharashtra this year. At the event, Indian government officials, policymakers, and media representatives have a chance to meet up with growers, and the event is known as the place to win new contracts.
“That is why we are very pleased to be exhibiting at this show,” says Peter Prentis, managing director at Omex Agrifluids, a designer and manufacturer of soluble plant nutrient products.
The fruits of foliar feeding using Omex soluble nutrient products (Picture Credit Omex).
Omex will be exhibiting its full range of products but says the spotlight will be given to ‘Omex Albert Solution,’ a soluble powder product introduced in the Indian market in 2018. Peter sums up the success of the solution in three words: complete, balanced, and water-soluble.
“The product is complete in containing a full complement of essential plant nutrients: macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Mesonutrients in the form of calcium, magnesium, sulfur. And the micronutrients copper, zinc, iron, boron manganese, and molybdenum. The product is balanced by containing a full range of nutrients working in unison, and the water-soluble nutrients are rapidly taken up by the foliage and moved and used with ease inside the crop plant.”
Zucchini is one of many cucurbit crops to benefit from foliar feeding (Picture Credit Omex).
That being said, the company will display many more products during KISAN 2023. “We will also show a wide range of our soluble liquid and soluble powder products, such as the Omex Bio20, containing essential plant nutrients and a biostimulatory seaweed extract. The Omex Kingfol Zinc is a highly soluble-zinc product with 70 percent zinc. The Omex Sequential 2, with a broadly-based profile of nutrients especially high in potassium. The Omex Calcium Boron combines calcium with boron. And the Omex Calmax Gold and Omex DP98, a duo of Omex products that work in tandem to ensure growers get the very best from their inputs of calcium.”
Well-timed and balanced foliar feeding rewards growers with fast-growing, uniform crops (Picture Credit Omex).
Peter says he is pleased with this opportunity to meet established and new clients (distributors, importers, and end users) to discuss new and exciting opportunities for crop production in India and all other countries in the wider Asian arena. And will be present at the Omex stand (No 102 Agri Inputs Pavilion) to meet with delegates and attendees during the event.
For more information:
Peter Prentis, Managing Director
Omex Agrifluids Limited
Saddlebow Road, Kings Lynn,
Norfolk, PE34 3JA, United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 1553 817500
Fax: +44 1553 817501
Email: [email protected]