Eric Roman is a fun guy who likes fungi. The Zephyrhills resident likes mushrooms so much he started a farm specifically just to grow them.
“I enjoy growing things, lots of things,” Roman said. “I just want to grow things, for now it’s mushrooms. Eventually, I want to do more, but I’m focusing on the mushrooms now.
“Mushrooms, when I say that to you, what do people think?” Roman continued. “Probably the ones that grow in their yard or flower beds — unwanted ones. There’s so much more to mushrooms though. There’s a whole industry to them, and even health benefits, and more and more different ways to cook them.
“Anyways, I think (growing mushrooms) is cool.” That’s probably a good thing since Roman is the man behind Zephyrgills Mushroom Farm, which he has been operating, and growing, for more than four years now.