A UGR research team has developed a method for classifying the ripeness of peppers using hyperspectral imaging, which is a non-invasive technique, and machine learning.
Developed using the California-type pepper, which is typically blocky in shape and has thick flesh, the project makes it possible to determine the firmness of the pepper—a quality linked to its ripeness that is key to its success on the market.
To prevent the packaging of overripe peppers, the research team from the UGR's Color Imaging Lab, in collaboration with the Department of Analytical Chemistry and the Hortofrutícola Mabe cooperative in Almería, has developed a new method for measuring the ripeness of these products.
The team employed hyperspectral imaging, a non-invasive technique that is used to identify, classify, and visualize the quality attributes of fruit and vegetables and ensure they are safe to consume.
Read more at phys.org