When we buy mushrooms from the shop, we get beautiful, unblemished balls of similar size. Slightly damaged, too large or small mushrooms, as well as their stems, are kept away from consumer packaging as the food industry considers their waste.
An innovation by the Three Mushketeers startup puts these surplus mushrooms to use. The company has developed a mushroom powder that improves the taste of vegetarian dishes, effectively masking the flavors of legumes. The powder imbues food with a deep taste of umami.
The startup was founded by Emmi Korjus, Emma Kynkäniemi, and Ida Nikkilä, who got to know one another through a research group at the University. The team has expertise in food technology, food chemistry, and nutrition science.
At the moment, the second prototype of the mushroom powder is in the test stage. "We have already agreed with a couple of industry partners on testing the powder in their products. Our goal is to find partners with whom we will complete the development and take the product to the market," Korjus says. If all goes to plan, the mushroom powder will be in production by the end of 2024.
Read more at helsinki.fi