Angie King, once primarily known in the realm of supercars, has steered her focus towards a groundbreaking agricultural venture in the Philippines. King Tower Farm, her brainchild, stands as a symbol of sustainability and innovation in a region traditionally tethered to conventional farming practices.
The transition from high-performance vehicles to high-efficiency farming wasn't immediate. It was driven by King's firsthand experiences with problematic soil conditions and her commitment to finding solutions. As she delved into the challenges of traditional agriculture, her focus sharpened on creating a farming model that was both sustainable and adaptable to the local environment.
The genesis of King Tower Farm
King Tower Farm was born out of Angie's exploration into aquaponics, an interest sparked by the poor soil quality at her inherited property. This venture quickly evolved from a personal project into a full-fledged farm that included vertical towers alongside traditional soil farming and an apiary. "The soil was Luisiana clay, very acidic and low in organic matter," Angie recounts, emphasizing the challenges that led her to innovate.
Her approach to agriculture is holistic, integrating multiple farming techniques to optimize productivity and sustainability. The farm serves as a test bed for vertical farming technologies and preserves traditional practices, demonstrating a balanced ecosystem that leverages the best of both worlds.
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