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The benefits of 'green walls'

By 2050, approximately two-thirds of the worldwide population are expected to live in cities.  As the world becomes increasingly more urbanized, our spaces of work, leisure, and residence have become increasingly bleak and decreasingly green.

However, more and more research proves the incredible benefits of green spaces, whether indoors or outdoors. In an effort to improve overall wellbeing and increase environmental sustainability, cities, private companies, and individuals are increasing green spaces, whether via parks, gardens, or green roofs.

However, as the world population keeps growing, there is a limited amount of horizontal space that can be greened. Cue living wall systems. Living wall systems, also known as green walls or vertical gardens, are wall structures that grow plants vertically, therefore they can increase plantlife where space is limited. These green walls boast incredible benefits such as absorbing co2 emissions, increasing feelings of wellbeing, and much more. 

Read more at Vertical Field 

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