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US (PA): Rob and Lori Beard with their lettuce display

During the summer months, hot weather causes good lettuce to become a valued commodity. Customers can purchase store-bought lettuce, but it doesn’t always last long, hence there can be a lot of waste.

That is part of the reason why Eliza’s Organics attracted attention at the Bedford Farmers Market this past summer. In the heat of late summer, the stand was selling fresh lettuce that purchasers quickly found stayed fresh. One bag from Eliza’s Organics contained multiple varieties of lettuce, and each bunch had a root ball attached.

“Not only does it stay fresh,” said one buyer. “It tastes better.”

“It is that root ball that keeps it so fresh,” said Lori Beard, who, along with her husband, Rob, started Eliza’s Organics.

Because they live about an hour’s drive from Bedford, the couple found a friend, retired teacher Dina McGee, to help with market sales and deliveries.

Read more at Lancaster Farming (Linda Williams)

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