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Leafy greens farms promises more produce year-round from Pittsburg facility

More types of produce could soon be harvested year-round thanks to a new facility in Pittsburg. California native Brad Fourby has created the first farm of its kind in Kansas. The goal is to help expand access to fresh produce to the places that need it most, regardless of the time of year.

“Kansas was the perfect opportunity to start producing some fresh food for the community versus having it trucked in,” said Brad Fourby, Leafy Greens Farms.

Brad Fourby has created a compact version of the typical farm. He’s growing acres of food in a climate-controlled shipping container in Pittsburg, Kansas. “What we’re starting to do is onsite food production, where we’re going to be growing food year-round, regardless of weather, regardless of the climate, and start producing a thousand heads of lettuce a week,” said Fourby.

Fourby is focused on helping cities outside of Pittsburg as well. He’s been reaching out to Cherokee and Bourbon County city governments and organizations to find a way to expand access to fresh produce.

“Much of Cherokee County is considered a food desert, so anything we can do to expand access to fresh and healthy food, we’re interested in that,” said Jake Letner, Columbus Community Development Coordinator.

“We think there’s a need, and the need is going to be microfarming, something that can be supported by the local community that doesn’t have that opportunity for a large grocery store to come in,” said Fourby.

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