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Using capybara waste to grow vegetables

Japanese aquarium exhibits circular hydroponics system

The Japanese company Tierra Ponica is exhibiting a cyclical hydroponics system using animal waste in Kawasaki City, Japan, in which capybara waste is used to fertilize vegetables. The vegetables grown in the system are eaten by the animals in the aquarium. 

Tierra Ponica is a member of the Chitose Group, a group of bio-venture companies active mainly in Japan and Southeast Asia.
Under the slogan 'Science of plant and microbe interactions', the company carries out applied research and business development of organic hydroponics using animal waste.

Kawasui Kawasaki Aquarium is a new kind of aquarium based on the various water landscapes that exist in the world. The aquarium features six climate areas: the Tama River Zone, the Asia and Oceania Zone, the South America Zone, the Africa Zone, the Amazon Zone, and the Panorama Screen Zone.

The 'recycling hydroponics' exhibit is part of the Kawasaki Environmental Research Institute's industry-academia-government collaboration project, 'Realizing a Decarbonized Society'. Through this exhibit, Tierra Ponica and the Kawasaki Aquarium hope to reduce nitrous oxide generated by animal waste disposal and provide an opportunity for citizens to think about living in harmony with the environment.

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