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India: startups that assist you to set up your hydroponics system

You may produce your vegetables and herbs organically at home by using hydroponics, which involves growing plants in mineral nutrient solutions in water rather than soil. Do you want to give it a shot at home? Here are eight startups from throughout India that can assist you in establishing your own hydroponic garden.

Chennai's Acqua Farms
Rahul Dhoka, the founder of Green Rush Organics and Acqua Farms, a hydroponics farming consultant, grows over 6,000 plants in just 80 square feet. From Italian basil to carom (ajwain), mint, spinach, lettuce, and a variety of leafy greens and herbs, he grows it all in PVC pipe planters.

"In addition to a starter kit, Acqua Farms offers larger planter systems, depending on the user's demands. We also provide subscription-based service to individuals who are unfamiliar with hydroponics, in which we assign the customer an agronomist who takes care of their plants and monitors them once a week for a monthly charge," he said.

Goa's Letcetra Agritech
Letcetra Agritech, located in the Mapusa district of Goa and founded by software engineer-turned-hydroponics farmer Ajay Naik, is the first such indoor hydroponics farm that grows high-quality, pesticide-free vegetables. Their 150 m2 garden produces leafy crops including lettuce and salad greens, as well as cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, and basil.

"Letcetra has grown to incorporate two more farms totaling 2,300 m2. The combined fresh production from all three farms is around 6-8 tons of various varieties of lettuce and other leafy greens every month," he noted.

Hyderabad's Urban Kissan
Vihari Kanukollu, Dr. Sairam, and Srinivas Chaganti founded Urban Kissan, a startup that aims to incorporate the 'In My Backyard' concept into sustainable farming. "With the Urban Kissan's assistance and supervision, you can now grow fresh food such as lettuce, herbs, greens, and exotic veggies all year. They may be grown everywhere, from rooftops to balconies," they stated.

The firm provides a variety of alternatives, ranging from a model kit of 18 to 36 plants. The kit is made up of seeds, coconut waste, and a variety of nutrients. After you place an order based on your preferences, the firm will assist you in selecting a location and arranging delivery logistics. 

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