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US: New vertical farm launched in Hamilton

GeoGreens has opened a vertical hydroponics farm in Hamilton, New Jersey. Mayor Jeff Martin, Jackeline Mejias-Fuertes, and Lilian Maura, Regional Directors of the New Jersey Small Business Development Center, were recently on-hand to officially welcome GeoGreens to their new 2,000 square foot hydroponic farm.

In 2014, owner Desmond Hayes formed GeoGreens (formally named Geoponica Greens) in Allentown. The site was a perfect fit, as it was already fitted with the equipment for a vertical farm from a previous tenant, and being in Mercer County met Hayes's desire to be centrally located in the State. 

With degrees in Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Environmental Science, Hayes knew the environmental industry would become a significant factor throughout society and has always paid close attention to sustainability. Hayes began experimenting with hydroponics and realizing its untapped potential to service different markets in atypical climate areas. 

“We’re changing the way food is grown and distributed, and we’re reconnecting people with the story of food from farm to fork,” said Desmond. “By delivering the nutrients straight to the plants’ roots, we are able to shorten crop cycles and produce the best flavors.”

GeoGreens will be offering guided tours allowing visitors to experience the farming process firsthand, including education on the benefits of the nutrition value that comes specifically from their growing methods. Visitors also have the opportunity to pick produce to purchase and bring home.

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