While waiting for the physical trade show scheduled for June 9th and 10th, 2021 – NovelFarm Restart Edition, a live streaming meeting will be held on March 25th to showcase the state of the art in the agritech, indoor and soilless farming and its developments in terms of investments, research and technologies.
An event that aims to lay the foundations for an economic and productive restart together with the stakeholders of the supply chain.
Fabio Gallo, Linea Blu Host
Welcoming institutional speeches
Renato Pujatti, President, Pordenone Fiere
Stefano Zannier, Assessor of the agricultural, forestry, fishing and mountain resources, Region Friuli Venezia Giulia
Giordano Emo Capodilista, Vice President, Confagricoltura
CEA Census 2020: Continued optimism for our industry, even in the pandemic
David Ceasar, Lead Agronomist, Agritecture Consulting
For more information, or to register, visit novelfarmexpo.it.