The One Eleuthera Foundation (OEF) recently hosted two Centre for Training and Innovation (CTI) graduations at its Rock Sound campus. Nineteen students in total celebrated the accomplishment of successfully completing one of two 12-week courses in Intro to hydroponics and apiology and apiculture (beekeeping).
The “Learn-and-Earn” hydroponics graduation took place on June 30 for the class of nine students, while the apiology graduation luncheon was held two weeks later on July 14 for the cohort of 10.
Funded through a grant from the TK Foundation, the hydroponics cohort was afforded a weekly stipend while pursuing studies. The course equipped students with the skills and knowledge to construct, install and maintain a basic hydroponic system and effectively grow herbs and nutritious leafy crops without soil.
Additionally, students learned the fundamental concepts in plant science and nutrition, water management, plant nutrition management and pest and disease control within the system.
During the ceremony, the three students who emerged as winners in the $10,000 “Seed-to-Succeed” business pitch competition held on June 9 were also recognized for their winning hydroponics-based business plans.
Banu Devi-Nair, academic dean, CTI, said: “The goal of these technical programs offered by CTI and the One Eleuthera Foundation is two-fold — to educate and empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to operate competitively in their fields [and] to invest in developing and diversifying local industries to create financial independence and strengthen our local economy. “As an organization, we’re very proud of these students and look forward to all they will accomplish as a result of their CTI training.”
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